Hyundai Autolaros speed Ostrava

Hyundai Autolaros speed Ostrava

In 2023, we were approached by Autolaros speed if we would be interested in participating in the modernisation of their Hyundai and Mazda showrooms in Ostrava-Hrabová. Such an offer is not refused.

The established Autolaros speed brand is well known to all motoring enthusiasts in the Moravian-Silesian region. The successful dealer of Mazda and later Hyundai cars is celebrating a significant anniversary - 30 years of operation on the market. The possibility of deliveries for this client is a prestigious matter for us.

The remodelling of the glass envelope of the Hyundai showroom was the first stage of the project. Our implementation also included the dismantling of existing structures and minor structural modifications to the surrounding road.

The transformation of the external shell meant replacing the original shop windows made of plastic profiles with a modern aluminium glazed facade with a comfortable entrance for customers in the form of automatic doors. In addition to a significant upgrade in appearance, the environment within the car showroom was also improved, both in terms of thermal comfort and by reducing noise from the surrounding busy road.

The entire four-week implementation was carried out in full operation, without interruption to car sales and vehicle service intake. It was completed in the climatically challenging month of December 2023, but even with the typical winter weather we managed.

A satisfied customer subsequently confirmed his willingness to continue with our company in upgrading his car showrooms, including the remodelling of the glazed perimeter cladding of the Mazda showroom.

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